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Mompreneur Collective Evolution 

Dive into a transformative experience alongside a supportive community of like-minded mompreneurs in our 12-week Mompreneur Mastermind Group Program. Experience structured guidance, unwavering accountability, and powerful collaboration as you navigate the intricate path of entrepreneurship. Together, we'll conquer challenges, celebrate victories, and propel each other towards success, ensuring you emerge stronger, wiser, and ready to achieve your most ambitious goals.

This mastermind is only offered twice a year, fall and spring, so be sure to get on the waitlist and don't miss our next session!

what's included

transformative journey

Empowerment Through Community: The Mompreneur Evolution

Embark on a profound transformation journey as you transition from feeling isolated and overwhelmed to experiencing unwavering support, inspiration, and empowerment. Within our transformative community of like-minded entrepreneurs, you'll shed the weight of isolation and step into a space where collaboration and camaraderie reign supreme. Together, we'll elevate each other to new heights, empowering you to navigate challenges with confidence, embrace opportunities with zeal, and propel your business towards unprecedented success. 

Collective Wisdom and Collaboration

Tap into the collective wisdom and expertise of a diverse community of mompreneurs. Through collaborative discussions, brainstorming sessions, and peer-to-peer support, you'll gain fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and practical solutions to overcome challenges and seize opportunities. Our program fosters a culture of collaboration where every member contributes to the collective growth and success of the group.

Streamlining Business Operations
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Clients can expect increased efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness in managing their daily tasks and workflows. They'll experience reduced overwhelm, minimized stress, and a sense of control over their business processes.

Business Growth and Scalability
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Clients can expect tangible business growth metrics such as increased revenue, expanded customer base, and enhanced market presence. They'll transition from struggling to scale to confidently navigating the path to sustainable growth and success.

Brand Consistency and Recognition
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Clients will see tangible improvements in brand recognition, customer engagement, and brand loyalty. They'll project a professional and polished image across all touchpoints, leading to increased trust, credibility, and opportunities for business growth.

Achieving Work-Life Harmony
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Clients will experience a profound shift in their ability to prioritize and manage their time effectively, allowing them to carve out dedicated time for both work and family responsibilities. They'll enjoy greater peace of mind, fulfillment, and satisfaction in all areas of their life.


Join the Mompreneur Collective Evolution 

12- week program

$997 full price (1 payment)

$499 per month (2 months)

$395 per month (3 months)

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next session details:

Join the Mompreneur Collective Evolution | 12-week Mastermind this fall!

Are you ready to take your business to new heights while enjoying the support of a dynamic community of like-minded mompreneurs? Our Mastermind program offers structured guidance, accountability, and collaboration to help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and achieve your goals.

📅 Enrollment Opens: August 19th
🚀 Program Duration: September 4th - November 20th (12 weeks)
🗓️ Sessions: Wednesdays 9:30am pst- 10:45am pst
📆 Office Hours: Fridays 9am pst- 10am pst
🎉 Waitlist: Be the first to know about prelaunch discounts and enrollment details by joining the waitlist now!

Don't miss this opportunity to join a transformative journey that will empower you to thrive in both your business and personal life. Reserve your spot now and get ready to elevate your entrepreneurial journey with the Mompreneur Collective Evolution Mastermind. See you there!

join the waitlist

be the first to join our Spring Collective! Spots will fill up fast! 

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